Rescue PADI or SSI

This course expands your vision on how to prevent problems and manage them if they occur, based on what you already know.

You will learn self-rescue, stress management, use of emergency equipment, rescue of a panicked or unconscious diver.

* PADI certification and the book of RESCUE will be given to you at the beginning of the course and are included in the price.
* SSI certification and the access to the theory on the app, are included in the price.


* To start the theory on the SSI application before the cruise :
1/ You can create a free account HERE
2/ Then choose as training center : SSI Training Center – 720206 Anthias Fleet
3/ Then send us an email and we will give you access to the online theory.
KEEP IN MIND = The registration for a course commits you to pay 45€ for access to online theory if you later cancel the course. If you do not cancel, these 45€ are included in the total price. 

SSI : 245 € // PADI : 285 €

Theory : 2h                                                                          Practice in water : 4 to 6.

Prerequisites:  : Being 12 years old and being an ADV diver or equivalent. Holding an EFR for less than 2 years and up to date.

* The package for the RESCUE + EFR = SSI : 270 € // PADI : 340 €

* PADI certification and the book of Rescue + EFR will be given to you at the beginning of the course and are included in the price.
* SSI certification and the access to the theory on the app, are included in the price.