This is a one-week trip, where parents and children will live together on the boat and share their passion for diving or discover it !
Itinerary South with the reefs of St John’s and Fury Shoals, lovely places for diving for the children, departure of the boat from Port Ghalib.
Parents dive early in the morning while the children are still sleeping and then get together for breakfast. The 2nd dive is accessible to all levels, then lunch. Activities are proposed during the afternoon before the 3rd dive of the day such as: buoy and other water games, painting, snorkeling, jump from the boat and more.
The children do 2 dives / day maximum and according to their personal wish. Non-diving children can be trained on the boat (FFESSM and PADI).
The order and the choice of the sites can be modified according to our organization and the weather conditions.

From Port Ghalib on Sunday morning, you will do 2 dives. One on the garden of Abu Dabab 3 for a quiet refresh dive (or Sha’ab Marsa Alam) and the next one on Abili Marsa Alam (or Sheleniat). Then sail overnight to the reefs of FURY SHOALS (12 hours sailing).

After the navigation during the night, you are arrived on the FURY SHOALS.
You will spend 3 entire days on FURY SHOALS.
With small caves, exceptional lighting effects and all that, in shallow depths. Here you can come across the small reef shark just returning from a cavity, or simply laying on the sand, as if it would make a siesta!
The sites: Sha’ab Maksour, Sha’ab Claudio, Gota Malahi, Gota Sataya. These dives can be replaced by other sites nearby according to your desires and the desires of our instructors who know very well all these sites and will advise you wonderfully! Ability: Angel, Abu Galawa Kebir.
And the must have, you will go two times on the lagoon of Sattaya for a swim with the dolphins who lives here ! Special moment for the children, only in fins/mask/snorkel.
No diving in the lagoon.

Diving on Elphinstone. The South and North plateaus are magnificent between 15 and 40 m, very colorful and their topographies make dives very special:
Indeed, on the southern tip is the famous “Arche” of Elphinstone between 45 and 60 m. You will be able to explore it equipped with a travel block and an O2 deco. (Certification Nitrox Confirmed: it is possible to carry out the training during the week).
The north point with its break at 42 m. If you continue this reef tongue up to 55 m, you will certainly meet its inhabitants: hammerhead sharks and grey sharks! Attention however to currents that can be very strong and surprising on Elphinstone.

The sixth day will take you to Marsa Shoona to encounters the great green turtles of the Red Sea !